PowerCLI, Powershell to disconnect CD-Rom

I have a script that runs weekly to disconnect CD-Rom.  There is a function to control if the CD-Rom is disconnected.   We have various NFS shares and one particular NFS mount point hosts ISOs used for specific tasks.   We want to have these disconnected and leave others attached, that is the reason for the extra check.

The script also accepts an XML file to hold parameters.

# Reference for error when disconnecting
# http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2092716

[String] $ConfigurationFile = $(throw “Please specify the configuration file for the Content move.`r`nExample:`r`n`tGet-MachineLookup.ps1 -ConfigurationFile `”E:DirectoryChangeThisPath.xml`””)

switch (Test-Path $ConfigurationFile)
True {Write-Host “Using $ConfigurationFile For Script Variables”
$Properties = [xml](Get-Content $ConfigurationFile)
False {Write-Host “$ConfigurationFile Not Found For Script Variables – Quitting”

#Get Properties and assign to local variables
$smtpServer = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.smtpServer
$MailFrom = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.MailFrom
$MailTo1 = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.MailTo1
$MailTo2 = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.MailTo2
$MailCC = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.MailCC
$Datacenter = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.Datacenter
$DisconnectFlag = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.DisconnectFlag

#Assuming you are running PowerCLI 6.x
Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Vds

function Log([string]$path, [string]$value)
Add-Content -Path “$($Path)$($LogDate).txt” -Value $value

#Determines if function will disconnect CD-Rom

function DisconnectCDrom ([string] $isoPathValue)
switch -wildcard ($isoPathValue)
“*Generic-ISO-Folder-Location*” {return $true}
default {return $false}

#This could probably use some refining ?
function VMMail ($MailTo, $VMList)
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
$msg.From = $MailFrom
$msg.Subject = “CDRoms disconnected for $($Datacenter)”
$MailText = “This is a summary of VM’s with CD Rom Disconnected for $($Datacenter) `r`n $($VMList) ”
$msg.Body = $MailText

$StartDate = Get-Date
$LogDate = “$($StartDate.Month)-$($StartDate.Day)-$($StartDate.Year)-$($StartDate.Hour)-$($StartDate.Minute)-$($vCenterServer)”
Log -Path $Output -Value “Starting process as $($Cred.Username) connecting to $($vCenterServer) at $($StartDate)”

#Notice the -force is used, when running in task scheduler, set user # creds with the account
#With perms assigned in vCenter

Connect-VIServer -server $vCenterServer -force
$VMList = Get-Datacenter -Name $Datacenter | Get-VM

$ListOfVMs = @()

foreach($vm in $VMList)
if($vm.PowerState -eq “PoweredOn”)
Write-Host “Processing $($VM.Name)”
$CDStatus = Get-CDDrive -VM $VM.Name
if($CDStatus.IsoPath -ne $null)
$value1 = “$($VM.Name)!$($CDStatus.IsoPath)!$($CDStatus.HostDevice)!$($CDStatus.RemoteDevice)”
Write-Host $value1
$DisconnectCDRom = DisconnectCDrom -isoPathValue $CDStatus.IsoPath
if($DisconnectCDRom -eq $true)
Write-Host “Disconnect CDRom for $($VM.Name)”
if($DisconnectFlag -eq 1)
$VM | Get-CDDrive | Set-CDDrive -NoMedia -Confirm:$false
$DisconnectDateTime = Get-Date
$ListOfVMs += “$($VM.Name) : $($DisconnectDateTime)`r`n”
Log -Path $Output -Value $value1
Log -Path $Output -Value “$($VM.Name) – Disconnect Flag set to false”
$value1 = “$($VM.Name)!no CDRom attached!!”
Write-Host $value1
Log -Path $Output -Value $value1
$value1 = “$($VM.Name)!powered off!!”
Write-Host $value1
Log -Path $Output -Value “$($value1)”

#Send email to appropriate people
if($ListOfVMs -ne $null)
VMMail -MailTo $MailFrom -VMList $ListOfVMs

#End Logging date
$EndDate = Get-Date
Log -Path $Output -Value “Ending process as $($Cred.Username) connecting to $($vCenterServer) at $($EndDate)”
Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -confirm:$false

Configuration file – ConfigurationFile.xml

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<MailFrom>[email protected]</MailFrom>
<MailTo1>[email protected]</MailTo1>
<MailTo2>[email protected]</MailTo2>
<MailCC>[email protected]</MailCC>