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Creating passwords using a HASH method

This file shows how to use a 1-way hash method to encrypt and store passwords.  Need the ultimate password generator, this application will do it! Note in the form below, if you type in 5 numbers, the password is five characters long.

Here is a sample form

Now again calculate form the next word keep on calculate until you will get one word
that will decide your relationship.
Sample form to create passwords
Input form
<form method="post" action="hash2.asp">
<input type="text" size="30" name="txtPassword"><br>
<input type="text" size="30" name="txtNumbers">
<input type="submit" name="btnEncrypt" Value="Encrypt">
Results form
<!--#include file="hash1way.asp"-->
<%      dim strValue, strValue2
	strValue = request.form("txtPassword") 
	strValue2 = request.form("txtNumbers") 
        strValue = HashEncode(strValue) 
	strValue2 = getSalt(strValue2)
	response.write strValue & "<br>"
	response.write strValue2
Here is the function
Function getSalt(intLen)
' Function takes a given length x and generates a random hex value of x digits.
' Salt can be used to help protect passwords.  When a password is first stored in a
' database generate a salt value also.  Concatenate the salt value with the password, 
' and then encrypt it using the HashEncode function below.  Store both the salt value,
' and the encrypted value in the database.  When a password needs to be verified, take 
' the password concatenate the salt from the database.  Encode it using the HashEncode 
' function below.  If the result matches the the encrypted password stored in the
' database, then it is a match.  If not then the password is invalid.
' Note: Passwords become case sensitive when using this encryption.
' For more information on Password HASH Encoding, and SALT visit: 
' Call this function if you wish to generate a random hex value of any given length
' Written By: Mark G. Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
	Dim strSalt
	Dim intIndex, intRand
	If Not IsNumeric(intLen) Then
		getSalt = "00000000"
		exit function
	ElseIf CInt(intLen) <> CDbl(intLen) Or CInt(intLen) < 1 Then
		getSalt = "00000000"
		exit function
	End If
	For intIndex = 1 to CInt(intLen)
		intRand = CInt(Rnd * 1000) Mod 16
		strSalt = strSalt & getDecHex(intRand)
	getSalt = strSalt
End Function
Function HashEncode(strSecret)
' Function takes an ASCII string less than 2^61 characters long and 
' one way hash encrypts it using 160 bit encryption into a 40 digit hex value.
' The encoded hex value cannot be decoded to the original string value.
' This is the only function that you need to call for encryption.
' Written By: Mark G. Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
' The author makes no warranties as to the validity, and/or authenticity of this code.
' You may use any code found herein at your own risk.
' This code was written to follow as closely as possible the standards found in
' Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS PUB 180-1)
' http://csrc.nist.gov/fips/fip180-1.txt -- Secure Hash Standard SHA-1
' This code is for private use only, and the security and/or encryption of the resulting
' hexadecimal value is not warrented or gaurenteed in any way.
    Dim strEncode, strH(4)
    Dim intPos
    If len(strSecret) = 0 or len(strSecret) >= 2^61 then
		HashEncode = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
		exit function
    end if
    'Initial Hex words are used for encoding Digest.  
    'These can be any valid 8-digit hex value (0 to F)
    strH(0) = "FB0C14C2"
    strH(1) = "9F00AB2E"
    strH(2) = "991FFA67"
    strH(3) = "76FA2C3F"
    strH(4) = "ADE426FA"
    For intPos = 1 to len(strSecret) step 56
		strEncode = Mid(strSecret, intPos, 56) 'get 56 character chunks
		strEncode = WordToBinary(strEncode) 'convert to binary
		strEncode = PadBinary(strEncode) 'make it 512 bites
		strEncode = BlockToHex(strEncode) 'convert to hex value
		'Encode the hex value using the previous runs digest
		'If it is the first run then use the initial values above
		strEncode = DigestHex(strEncode, strH(0), strH(1), strH(2), strH(3), strH(4))
		'Combine the old digest with the new digest
		strH(0) = HexAdd(left(strEncode, 8), strH(0))
		strH(1) = HexAdd(mid(strEncode, 9, 8), strH(1))
		strH(2) = HexAdd(mid(strEncode, 17, 8), strH(2))
		strH(3) = HexAdd(mid(strEncode, 25, 8), strH(3))
		strH(4) = HexAdd(right(strEncode, 8), strH(4))
    'This is the final Hex Digest
    HashEncode = strH(0) & strH(1) & strH(2) & strH(3) & strH(4)
End Function
Function HexToBinary(btHex)
' Function Converts a single hex value into it's binary equivalent
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
    Select Case btHex
    Case "0"
        HexToBinary = "0000"
    Case "1"
        HexToBinary = "0001"
    Case "2"
        HexToBinary = "0010"
    Case "3"
        HexToBinary = "0011"
    Case "4"
        HexToBinary = "0100"
    Case "5"
        HexToBinary = "0101"
    Case "6"
        HexToBinary = "0110"
    Case "7"
        HexToBinary = "0111"
    Case "8"
        HexToBinary = "1000"
    Case "9"
        HexToBinary = "1001"
    Case "A"
        HexToBinary = "1010"
    Case "B"
        HexToBinary = "1011"
    Case "C"
        HexToBinary = "1100"
    Case "D"
        HexToBinary = "1101"
    Case "E"
        HexToBinary = "1110"
    Case "F"
        HexToBinary = "1111"
    Case Else
        HexToBinary = "2222"
    End Select
End Function
Function BinaryToHex(strBinary)
' Function Converts a 4 bit binary value into it's hex equivalent
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
    Select Case strBinary
    Case "0000"
        BinaryToHex = "0"
    Case "0001"
        BinaryToHex = "1"
    Case "0010"
        BinaryToHex = "2"
    Case "0011"
        BinaryToHex = "3"
    Case "0100"
        BinaryToHex = "4"
    Case "0101"
        BinaryToHex = "5"
    Case "0110"
        BinaryToHex = "6"
    Case "0111"
        BinaryToHex = "7"
    Case "1000"
        BinaryToHex = "8"
    Case "1001"
        BinaryToHex = "9"
    Case "1010"
        BinaryToHex = "A"
    Case "1011"
        BinaryToHex = "B"
    Case "1100"
        BinaryToHex = "C"
    Case "1101"
        BinaryToHex = "D"
    Case "1110"
        BinaryToHex = "E"
    Case "1111"
        BinaryToHex = "F"
    Case Else
        BinaryToHex = "Z"
    End Select
End Function
Function WordToBinary(strWord)
' Function Converts a 8 digit hex value into it's 32 bit binary equivalent
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header kept intact
	Dim strTemp, strBinary 
	Dim intPos
	For intPos = 1 To Len(strWord)
	    strTemp = Mid(strWord, cint(intPos), 1)
	    strBinary = strBinary & IntToBinary(Asc(strTemp))
	WordToBinary = strBinary
End Function
Function HexToInt(strHex)
' Function Converts a hex word to its base 10(decimal) equivalent
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
	Dim intNew, intPos, intLen
	intNew = 0
	intLen = CDbl(len(strHex)) - 1
	For intPos = CDbl(intLen) to 0 step -1
	    Select Case Mid(strHex, CDbl(intPos) + 1, 1)       
	    Case "0"
			intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (0 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "1"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (1 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "2"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (2 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "3"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (3 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "4"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (4 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "5"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (5 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "6"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (6 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "7"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (7 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "8"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (8 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "9"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (9 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "A"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (10 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "B"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (11 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "C"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (12 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "D"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (13 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "E"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (14 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
	    Case "F"
	        intNew = CDbl(intNew) + (15 * 16^CDbl(intLen - intPos))
		End Select
	HexToInt = CDbl(intNew)
End Function
Function IntToBinary(intNum)
' Function Converts an integer number to it's binary equivalent
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
    Dim strBinary, strTemp
    Dim intNew, intTemp
    Dim dblNew
    intNew = intNum
    Do While intNew > 1
        dblNew = CDbl(intNew) / 2
        intNew = Round(CDbl(dblNew) - 0.1, 0)
        If CDbl(dblNew) = CDbl(intNew) Then
            strBinary = "0" & strBinary
            strBinary = "1" & strBinary
        End If
    strBinary = intNew & strBinary
    intTemp = Len(strBinary) mod 8
    For intNew = intTemp To 7
        strBinary = "0" & strBinary
    IntToBinary = strBinary
End Function
Function PadBinary(strBinary)
' Function adds 0's to a binary string until it reaches 448 bits.
' The lenghth of the original string is incoded into the last 16 bits.
' The end result is a binary string 512 bits long
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
	Dim intPos, intLen
	Dim strTemp
	intLen = Len(strBinary)
	strBinary = strBinary & "1"
	For intPos = Len(strBinary) To 447
	    strBinary = strBinary & "0"
	strTemp = IntToBinary(intLen)
	For intPos = Len(strTemp) To 63
	    strTemp = "0" & strTemp
	strBinary = strBinary & strTemp
	PadBinary = strBinary
End Function
Function BlockToHex(strBinary)
' Function Converts a 32 bit binary string into it's 8 digit hex equivalent
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
	Dim intPos
	Dim strHex
	For intPos = 1 To Len(strBinary) Step 4
	    strHex = strHex & BinaryToHex(Mid(strBinary, intPos, 4))
	BlockToHex = strHex
End Function
Function DigestHex(strHex, strH0, strH1, strH2, strH3, strH4)
' Main encoding function.  Takes a 128 digit/512 bit hex value and one way encrypts it into
' a 40 digit/160 bit hex value.
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
	Dim strWords(79), strConst(4), strTemp, strTemp1, strTemp2, strTemp3, strTemp4
	Dim intPos
	Dim strH(4), strA(4), strK(3)
	'Constant hex words are used for encryption, these can be any valid 8 digit hex value
    strK(0) = "5A827999"
    strK(1) = "6ED9EBA1"
    strK(2) = "8F1BBCDC"
    strK(3) = "CA62C1D6"
    'Hex words are used in the encryption process, these can be any valid 8 digit hex value
    strH(0) = strH0
    strH(1) = strH1
    strH(2) = strH2
    strH(3) = strH3
    strH(4) = strH4
    'divide the Hex block into 16 hex words
	For intPos = 0 To (len(strHex) / 8) - 1
	    strWords(cint(intPos)) = Mid(strHex, (cint(intPos)*8) + 1, 8)
    'encode the Hex words using the constants above
    'innitialize 80 hex word positions
	For intPos = 16 To 79
	    strTemp = strWords(cint(intPos) - 3)
	    strTemp1 = HexBlockToBinary(strTemp)
	    strTemp = strWords(cint(intPos) - 8)
	    strTemp2 = HexBlockToBinary(strTemp)
	    strTemp = strWords(cint(intPos) - 14)
	    strTemp3 = HexBlockToBinary(strTemp)
	    strTemp = strWords(cint(intPos) - 16)
	    strTemp4 = HexBlockToBinary(strTemp)
	    strTemp = BinaryXOR(strTemp1, strTemp2)
	    strTemp = BinaryXOR(strTemp, strTemp3)
	    strTemp = BinaryXOR(strTemp, strTemp4)
	    strWords(cint(intPos)) = BlockToHex(BinaryShift(strTemp, 1))
    'initialize the changing word variables with the initial word variables
	strA(0) = strH(0)
	strA(1) = strH(1)
	strA(2) = strH(2)
	strA(3) = strH(3)
	strA(4) = strH(4)
	'Main encryption loop on all 80 hex word positions
	For intPos = 0 To 79
	    strTemp = BinaryShift(HexBlockToBinary(strA(0)), 5)
	    strTemp1 = HexBlockToBinary(strA(3))
	    strTemp2 = HexBlockToBinary(strWords(cint(intPos)))
	    Select Case intPos
	    Case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
	        strTemp3 = HexBlockToBinary(strK(0))
	        strTemp4 = BinaryOR(BinaryAND(HexBlockToBinary(strA(1)), _
				HexBlockToBinary(strA(2))), BinaryAND(BinaryNOT(HexBlockToBinary(strA(1))), _
	    Case 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
	        strTemp3 = HexBlockToBinary(strK(1))
	        strTemp4 = BinaryXOR(BinaryXOR(HexBlockToBinary(strA(1)), _
				HexBlockToBinary(strA(2))), HexBlockToBinary(strA(3)))
	    Case 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59
	        strTemp3 = HexBlockToBinary(strK(2))
	        strTemp4 = BinaryOR(BinaryOR(BinaryAND(HexBlockToBinary(strA(1)), _
				HexBlockToBinary(strA(2))), BinaryAND(HexBlockToBinary(strA(1)), _
				HexBlockToBinary(strA(3)))), BinaryAND(HexBlockToBinary(strA(2)), _
	    Case 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79
	        strTemp3 = HexBlockToBinary(strK(3))
	        strTemp4 = BinaryXOR(BinaryXOR(HexBlockToBinary(strA(1)), _
				HexBlockToBinary(strA(2))), HexBlockToBinary(strA(3)))
	    End Select
	    strTemp = BlockToHex(strTemp)
	    strTemp1 = BlockToHex(strTemp1)
	    strTemp2 = BlockToHex(strTemp2)
	    strTemp3 = BlockToHex(strTemp3)
	    strTemp4 = BlockToHex(strTemp4)
	    strTemp = HexAdd(strTemp, strTemp1)
	    strTemp = HexAdd(strTemp, strTemp2)
	    strTemp = HexAdd(strTemp, strTemp3)
	    strTemp = HexAdd(strTemp, strTemp4)
	    strA(4) = strA(3)
	    strA(3) = strA(2)
	    strA(2) = BlockToHex(BinaryShift(HexBlockToBinary(strA(1)), 30))
	    strA(1) = strA(0)
	    strA(0) = strTemp
	'Concatenate the final Hex Digest
	DigestHex = strA(0) & strA(1) & strA(2) & strA(3) & strA(4)
End Function
Function HexAdd(strHex1, strHex2)
' Function adds to 8 digit/32 bit hex values together Mod 2^32
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
    Dim intCalc
    Dim strNew
    intCalc = 0
    intCalc = CDbl(CDbl(HexToInt(strHex1)) + CDbl(HexToInt(strHex2)))
    Do While CDbl(intCalc) > 2^32
		intCalc = CDbl(intCalc) - 2^32
    strNew = IntToBinary(CDbl(intCalc))
    Do While Len(strNew) < 32
        strNew = "0" & strNew
    strNew = BlockToHex(strNew)
    if InStr(strNew, "00") = 1 and len(strNew) = 10 then
		strNew = right(strNew, 8)
    end if
    HexAdd = strNew
End Function
Function getHexDec(strHex)
' Function Converts a single hex value into it's decimal equivalent
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
    Select Case strHex
    Case "0"
        getHexDec = 0
    Case "1"
        getHexDec = 1
    Case "2"
        getHexDec = 2
    Case "3"
        getHexDec = 3
    Case "4"
        getHexDec = 4
    Case "5"
        getHexDec = 5
    Case "6"
        getHexDec = 6
    Case "7"
        getHexDec = 7
    Case "8"
        getHexDec = 8
    Case "9"
        getHexDec = 9
    Case "A"
        getHexDec = 10
    Case "B"
        getHexDec = 11
    Case "C"
        getHexDec = 12
    Case "D"
        getHexDec = 13
    Case "E"
        getHexDec = 14
    Case "F"
        getHexDec = 15
    Case Else
        getHexDec = -1
    End Select
End Function
Function getDecHex(strHex)
' Function Converts a single decimal value(0 - 15) into it's hex equivalent
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
    Select Case CInt(strHex)
    Case 0
       getDecHex = "0"
    Case 1
       getDecHex = "1"
    Case 2
       getDecHex = "2"
    Case 3
       getDecHex = "3"
    Case 4
       getDecHex = "4"
    Case 5
       getDecHex = "5"
    Case 6
       getDecHex = "6"
    Case 7
       getDecHex = "7"
    Case 8
       getDecHex = "8"
    Case 9
       getDecHex = "9"
    Case 10
       getDecHex = "A"
    Case 11
       getDecHex = "B"
    Case 12
       getDecHex = "C"
    Case 13
       getDecHex = "D"
    Case 14
       getDecHex = "E"
    Case 15
       getDecHex = "F"
    Case Else
       getDecHex = "Z"
    End Select
End Function
Function BinaryShift(strBinary, intPos)
' Function circular left shifts a binary value n places
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
    BinaryShift = Right(strBinary, Len(strBinary) - cint(intPos)) & _
		Left(strBinary, cint(intPos))
End Function
Function BinaryXOR(strBin1, strBin2)
' Function performs an exclusive or function on each position of two binary values
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
    Dim strBinaryFinal
    Dim intPos
    For intPos = 1 To Len(strBin1)
        Select Case Mid(strBin1, cint(intPos), 1)
        Case Mid(strBin2, cint(intPos), 1)
            strBinaryFinal = strBinaryFinal & "0"
        Case Else
            strBinaryFinal = strBinaryFinal & "1"
        End Select
    BinaryXOR = strBinaryFinal
End Function
Function BinaryOR(strBin1, strBin2)
' Function performs an inclusive or function on each position of two binary values
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
    Dim strBinaryFinal
    Dim intPos
    For intPos = 1 To Len(strBin1)
        If Mid(strBin1, cint(intPos), 1) = "1" Or Mid(strBin2, cint(intPos), 1) = "1" Then
            strBinaryFinal = strBinaryFinal & "1"
            strBinaryFinal = strBinaryFinal & "0"
        End If
    BinaryOR = strBinaryFinal
End Function
Function BinaryAND(strBin1, strBin2)
' Function performs an AND function on each position of two binary values
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
    Dim strBinaryFinal
    Dim intPos
    For intPos = 1 To Len(strBin1)
        If Mid(strBin1, cint(intPos), 1) = "1" And Mid(strBin2, cint(intPos), 1) = "1" Then
            strBinaryFinal = strBinaryFinal & "1"
            strBinaryFinal = strBinaryFinal & "0"
        End If
    BinaryAND = strBinaryFinal
End Function
Function BinaryNOT(strBinary)
' Function makes each position of a binary value from 1 to 0 and 0 to 1
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
    Dim strBinaryFinal
    Dim intPos
    For intPos = 1 To Len(strBinary)
        If Mid(strBinary, cint(intPos), 1) = "1" Then
            strBinaryFinal = strBinaryFinal & "0"
            strBinaryFinal = strBinaryFinal & "1"
        End If
    BinaryNOT = strBinaryFinal
End Function
Function HexBlockToBinary(strHex)
' Function Converts a 8 digit/32 bit hex value to its 32 bit binary equivalent
' Written By: Mark Jager
' Written Date: 8/10/2022
' Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact
    Dim intPos
    Dim strTemp
    For intPos = 1 To Len(strHex)
        strTemp = strTemp & HexToBinary(Mid(strHex, cint(intPos), 1))
    HexBlockToBinary = strTemp
End Function