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Complete List of Libraries

A very simple Hello World Class. by Robert Chartier
Enumerating the Server Variables Collection with C# by Robert Chartier
Enumerating the Querystring Collection with C# by Robert Chartier
Simple ASP.NET Calender Control by Robert Chartier
Get the RawURL using the HttpContext by Robert Chartier
Simple Hello World in ASP.NET by Robert Chartier
C# Simulating the DateDiff Function by Robert Chartier
Basic Template for a .NET Web Service in C# by Robert Chartier
Creating a Simple Web Service that returns a Class. by Robert Chartier
Demonstration of using Base64 encoding, in a Web Service using the .NET Framework by Robert Chartier
C# Formatting Currencies in .NET by Robert Chartier
Creating and Using Custom SOAP Headers by Robert Chartier

using a Stored Procedure with the ADO Command Object by Robert Chartier
Using the ADO Stream Object to Determine Properties of any type of file. by Robert Chartier
Forcing an image to download using the ADO Stream Object. by Robert Chartier
Using the ADO Stream object to Display an Image. by Robert Chartier
Advanced Recordset Cloning by Robert Chartier
Covering Some Questions Regarding GetRows by Robert Chartier
Converting a Recordset & XML To and From the File System by Robert Chartier
Converting a Recordset to XML on the Fly by Robert Chartier
Properly encoding a SQL statement by Robert Chartier

Displaying a Standard ASCII Character Map by Robert Chartier
Persisting Arrays over HTTP by Robert Chartier
Converting between Binary and Decimal. by Robert Chartier
Get the number of days in a month. by Robert Chartier
Using ASP to navigate through the File System. by Robert Chartier
A test for removing duplicates in a string list. by Robert Chartier
using ASP and Office Automation to execute an Access Macro by Robert Chartier
Using the EVAL method by Robert Chartier
Generating a GUID (Scriplet) by Jeff Gonzalez
Using ASP to reveal your Source Code by Robert Chartier
Generating Valid Mailto: URL’s by Robert Chartier
Selecting multiple items on a form by Robert Chartier
Using Office Automation in ASP by Dave Penton
Outputting a Vertical Table by Robert Chartier
Using the HTTP Referer Server Variable by Robert Chartier
Removing Duplicates in a list. by Robert Chartier
Case-InSensitive Replace on a string by Robert Chartier
Using a Select Case Construct by Robert Chartier
Simple If Construct by Robert Chartier
Basic Looping by Robert Chartier
Miscel debugging functions by Robert Chartier
Requesting Custom HTTP Headers by Robert Chartier
Writing Custom HTTP Headers by Robert Chartier
Outputting All Server Variables by Robert Chartier
A Generic Database Web Editor by Robert Chartier
Random Password Function by Robert Chartier
Converting To Title Case (or Proper Case) by Robert Chartier
Timing & Benchmarking ASP Scripts by Robert Chartier
Clerify Checkbox Input Behavior by Robert Chartier
The Problem & Solution with Cookies & Response.Redirect by Robert Chartier
Clarification on Random Numbers by Robert Chartier
Introduction to State/Session Management – Stage 1 – Overview. by Robert Chartier
Introduction to State/Session Management – Stage 2 – COM Introduction. by Robert Chartier
Introduction to State/Session Management – Stage 3 – ASP Implementation by Robert Chartier
Creating an Dynamic Array of Dictionary Objects. by Robert Chartier
Using the WITH Construct. by Robert Chartier
Using a Simple 2 Dimensional Array by Robert Chartier
Using DateDiff to Calculate Age. by Robert Chartier
Using VBScript to round a number up (Ceiling) by kaishaku
Creating and using a Simple VBScript Class by Robert Chartier
Creating a Simple Online Questionnaire by Robert Chartier
Back To Basics: How to create and use dynamic array by Robert Chartier
Using ADO and GetRows by Robert Chartier

A Copy of the rijndael.c Source by Robert Chartier

Using A Visual Basic Executeable as CGI on the Server by Robert Chartier

Recycle IIS via DOS Batch File by Robert Chartier
Spoofing the Referer during a Web Request by Robert Chartier

RC4 Encryption by Robert Chartier
Vernum Encryption by Robert Chartier
MD5 Hash Algorithm by Robert Chartier
PC-1 Algorithm by Robert Chartier
TwoFish Algorithm by Robert Chartier

How Does The Session Object Affect my Scalability? by Robert Chartier
Maximum number of characters in a querystring or form post? by Robert Chartier
COM Object Scoping Guidlines by Robert Chartier
Java vs Javascript? by Robert Chartier
How do I free my COM object from memory so I can recompile it? by Robert Chartier
Why should I NOT name my include files with a .inc extension? by Robert Chartier
Explicit Connection VS Implicit Connection by Robert Chartier
How can I verify an email address? by Robert Chartier
How can I force a Html file to be downloaded to the client? by Michael Filip
Recompiling a DLL using MTS by Imar Spaanjaars

Using PRE Tags in HTML by Robert Chartier

Disable Right Mouse Button by Robert Chartier
UNIVERSAL FORM VALIDATOR (Type 2) by Robert Chartier
Get the Length of an Input Field by Robert Chartier
Get the Length of an Input Field -DIV by Robert Chartier
Limiting input length for an Input Field by Robert Chartier
Selecting innerHtml by Robert Chartier
Using Javascript to modify Form actions. by Robert Chartier

Popup Calendar by Robert Chartier

Creating a PHP Class by Robert Chartier
Using a PHP Class by Robert Chartier

C# Registry Hacks by Robert Chartier

SOAP / Web Services
Securing SOAP by Robert Chartier
An Introduction to the SOAP Toolkit Part I by Robert Chartier
An Introduction to the SOAP Toolkit Part II by Robert Chartier
Creating a simple Web Service with C# by Robert Chartier

Sql Server
Stored Procedure using an Output Parameter by Robert Chartier
Using ASP and the ADO Stream object to Receive XML Results From SQL Server by Robert Chartier

A Class File to Authorize a Credit Card by Robert Chartier
Using Microsoft Internet Transfer Control to FTP by Robert Chartier
Using API to Ping and Trace with VB by Robert Chartier
A Class to read MP3 file Information by Robert Chartier
A Class to make HTTP requests by Robert Chartier
Using COM to edit Ini Files. by Robert Chartier
SMTP and VB. by Robert Chartier
Server System Information VIA API Calls by Robert Chartier
MS Internet Transfer Control & FTP by Robert Chartier
Loading your Database From XML by Robert Chartier

Windows Scripting Components (WSC)
Windows Scripting Components – An Introduction by Robert Chartier

Windows Scripting Host (WSH)
using ASP with WSH to execute a DOS command by Robert Chartier

Hello World WML With ASP by Robert Chartier

Using the ServerXMLHTTP Object to Set and Get HTTP Headers by Robert Chartier
Reason to use XML by Robert Chartier
Using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP to load a DOMDocument by Robert Chartier
Using MSXML to transform XML and XSL Documents by Robert Chartier
Using ASP and MS XML 3 to get Response Headers by Robert Chartier
Using ASP and MS XML 3 to get All Response Headers by Robert Chartier
Using MS XML Parser and the ADODB.Stream Object to get and Save a file by Robert Chartier
Using C# on the server to transform XML and XSL by Robert Chartier
Using an Msxml2.DomDocument to load XML over HTTP by Robert Chartier
