Almost done with Chapter 1, few questions on things like Polymorphism, few terms that I have to remember. The concept of OOP isn’t as foreign as it was in the past, I call that progress. I even wrote a couple of Console applications with my 11 year old. Man would I give anything to be young and learn OOP. I recall those days being a spunge. I’m sure this will get A LOT harder for a newbie. I’m willing to forge ahead. I think before class on Thursday, I should probably read the chapter again. The homework itself wasn’t too bad. A couple of review questions I stumbled on was OO related. Off to see the teacher ? Mostly the questions where asking sample content and what should the class name be. Umm….
Here is a link to the book The book so far is written very nicely, I should have bought the book from Amazon, I would have saved 4 bucks, and gotten it brand new. ? The next book I write, I should target colleges, they sell for a lot more than normal geeky books. I’m used to the 30/40 dollar range.
Stay tuned.
Steve Schofield
Microsoft MVP – IIS