PowerCLI, Powershell to disconnect CD-Rom

I have a script that runs weekly to disconnect CD-Rom.  There is a function to control if the CD-Rom is disconnected.   We have various NFS shares and one particular NFS mount point hosts ISOs used for specific tasks.   We want to have these disconnected and leave others attached, that is the reason for the extra check.

The script also accepts an XML file to hold parameters.

# Reference for error when disconnecting
# http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2092716

[String] $ConfigurationFile = $(throw “Please specify the configuration file for the Content move.`r`nExample:`r`n`tGet-MachineLookup.ps1 -ConfigurationFile `”E:DirectoryChangeThisPath.xml`””)

switch (Test-Path $ConfigurationFile)
True {Write-Host “Using $ConfigurationFile For Script Variables”
$Properties = [xml](Get-Content $ConfigurationFile)
False {Write-Host “$ConfigurationFile Not Found For Script Variables – Quitting”

#Get Properties and assign to local variables
$smtpServer = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.smtpServer
$MailFrom = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.MailFrom
$MailTo1 = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.MailTo1
$MailTo2 = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.MailTo2
$MailCC = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.MailCC
$Datacenter = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.Datacenter
$DisconnectFlag = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.DisconnectFlag

#Assuming you are running PowerCLI 6.x
Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Vds

function Log([string]$path, [string]$value)
Add-Content -Path “$($Path)$($LogDate).txt” -Value $value

#Determines if function will disconnect CD-Rom

function DisconnectCDrom ([string] $isoPathValue)
switch -wildcard ($isoPathValue)
“*Generic-ISO-Folder-Location*” {return $true}
default {return $false}

#This could probably use some refining ?
function VMMail ($MailTo, $VMList)
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
$msg.From = $MailFrom
$msg.Subject = “CDRoms disconnected for $($Datacenter)”
$MailText = “This is a summary of VM’s with CD Rom Disconnected for $($Datacenter) `r`n $($VMList) ”
$msg.Body = $MailText

$StartDate = Get-Date
$LogDate = “$($StartDate.Month)-$($StartDate.Day)-$($StartDate.Year)-$($StartDate.Hour)-$($StartDate.Minute)-$($vCenterServer)”
Log -Path $Output -Value “Starting process as $($Cred.Username) connecting to $($vCenterServer) at $($StartDate)”

#Notice the -force is used, when running in task scheduler, set user # creds with the account
#With perms assigned in vCenter

Connect-VIServer -server $vCenterServer -force
$VMList = Get-Datacenter -Name $Datacenter | Get-VM

$ListOfVMs = @()

foreach($vm in $VMList)
if($vm.PowerState -eq “PoweredOn”)
Write-Host “Processing $($VM.Name)”
$CDStatus = Get-CDDrive -VM $VM.Name
if($CDStatus.IsoPath -ne $null)
$value1 = “$($VM.Name)!$($CDStatus.IsoPath)!$($CDStatus.HostDevice)!$($CDStatus.RemoteDevice)”
Write-Host $value1
$DisconnectCDRom = DisconnectCDrom -isoPathValue $CDStatus.IsoPath
if($DisconnectCDRom -eq $true)
Write-Host “Disconnect CDRom for $($VM.Name)”
if($DisconnectFlag -eq 1)
$VM | Get-CDDrive | Set-CDDrive -NoMedia -Confirm:$false
$DisconnectDateTime = Get-Date
$ListOfVMs += “$($VM.Name) : $($DisconnectDateTime)`r`n”
Log -Path $Output -Value $value1
Log -Path $Output -Value “$($VM.Name) – Disconnect Flag set to false”
$value1 = “$($VM.Name)!no CDRom attached!!”
Write-Host $value1
Log -Path $Output -Value $value1
$value1 = “$($VM.Name)!powered off!!”
Write-Host $value1
Log -Path $Output -Value “$($value1)”

#Send email to appropriate people
if($ListOfVMs -ne $null)
VMMail -MailTo $MailFrom -VMList $ListOfVMs

#End Logging date
$EndDate = Get-Date
Log -Path $Output -Value “Ending process as $($Cred.Username) connecting to $($vCenterServer) at $($EndDate)”
Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -confirm:$false

Configuration file – ConfigurationFile.xml

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<MailFrom>[email protected]</MailFrom>
<MailTo1>[email protected]</MailTo1>
<MailTo2>[email protected]</MailTo2>
<MailCC>[email protected]</MailCC>

Automate backing up DVS using Powercli and POwerShell

We started using Distributed Virtual Switches (DVS) with VMware (vSphere).  The switches configure (and port groups) can be exported and used as a backup.   The following script is a modified version of one posted in the links listed below. 

PS: As of this release, there is a bug where the path to the modules regarding PowerCLI isn’t automatically added to the Machine Level environment variable PSModulePath.  I manually added mine to the utility machine running the script

Adjustments introduces in the script:

  • Keeps around 30 days of configuration files on disk for backups
  • Process multiple vCenters in single script
  • Externalizes configuration into an XML file


  • Using PowerCLI 6.0 and modules (in reference links)
  • Using vCenter 5.5 and above
  • Using Windows Task Scheduler (in the connect-viserver I use –force to inherit the permissions of the Windows Task Scheduler ID)
  • The Windows Task scheduler account has “Logon As Batch Job” permissions.
  • E:ScriptsBackupDVS folder is present.

#Reference links (original script came from bolded link)


PowerShell script (backupdvs.ps1)

    [String] $ConfigurationFile = $(throw “Please specify the configuration file for the Content move.`r`nExample:`r`n`tGet-MachineLookup.ps1 -ConfigurationFile `”E:DirectoryChangeThisPath.xml`””)

Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Vds

switch (Test-Path $ConfigurationFile)
    True {Write-Host “Using $ConfigurationFile For Script Variables”
        $Properties = [xml](Get-Content $ConfigurationFile)
    False {Write-Host “$ConfigurationFile Not Found For Script Variables – Quitting”
$vCenterList = $vCenters.Split(“;”)
$BackupFolder = $Properties.Configuration.Properties.BackupFolder

foreach($vCenter in $vCenterList)
    $date=get-date -uformat %d

    New-item -Type Directory -Path $BackupPath -force   

    connect-viserver $vcenter -force
    foreach ($switch in $switches)
        # Backup each vNetwork Distributed Switch not including the port groups
        export-vdswitch $switch -Withoutportgroups -Description “Backup of $switch without port groups” -Destination “$($BackupPath)$switch.without_portgroups.zip” -force
        # Backup each vNetwork Distributed Switch including the port groups
        export-vdswitch $switch -Description “Backup of $switch with port groups” -Destination “$($BackupPath)$switch.with_portgroups.zip” -force
        # Backup each port group individually
        get-vdswitch $switch | Get-VDPortgroup | foreach { export-vdportgroup -vdportgroup $_ -Description “Backup of port group $($_.name)” -destination “$($BackupPath)$($_.name).portgroup.zip”  -force}

External Configuration file (backupdvs.xml)

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

Create a linked clone from a parent vm using vmware sdk

I was working on a project to create a 90 day eval machine that used linked clones.  This article isn’t meant to educate on Linked clones although it’s a great concept to have a Parent VM and another disk that contains just changes.  The benefits saves a lot of space in storage.   

Text only version of script

Here is a couple articles to check on linked clones

Here is the script

    [string]$ParentVMName = “UP1”,
    [string]$vCenterHostName = “vCenterSS”,
    [string]$vCenterUserName= “domainuser”,
    [string]$vCenterUserPassword= “UP2”,
    [string]$cloneName = “UP3”,
    [string]$OSType = “Windows”,
    [string]$TimeZone = “035”,
    [string]$DHCPPortGroup = “123456”,
    [string]$Domain = “example.com”,
    [string]$DomainUserName = “[email protected]”,
    [string]$DomainPassword = “UP4”,
    [string]$AdminPassword = “changeme”,
    [string]$FullName = “CompanyA”,
    [string]$OrgName = “Example, Inc”,
    [string]$CustomizeTemplate1 = “$($cloneName)-Temp1”,
    [string]$CustomizeTemplate2 = “$($cloneName)-Temp2”,
    [string]$ServerDescription = “UP5”,
    [string]$PrimaryDNSSuffix = “example.com”,
    #This is a enum VM, PREFIX CUSTOM

function LoadSnapin{
  if (!(Get-PSSnapin | where {$_.Name -eq $PSSnapinName})){
    Add-pssnapin -name $PSSnapinName
LoadSnapin -PSSnapinName   “VMware.VimAutomation.Core”

#Better to pass in an array and randomly select datastore
function GetDataStore
    $value = (Get-Random) %3
    switch ($value)
        0 {    return “datastore1”    }
        1 {    return “datastore2”    }
        2 {    return “datastore3”    }
        default {return “datastore1”}

# Constants for status
$STATUS_STARTED = “CustomizationStarted”
$STATUS_SUCCEEDED = “CustomizationSucceeded”
$STATUS_FAILED = “CustomizationFailed”
# constants for event types     
$EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOMIZATION_STARTED = “VMware.Vim.CustomizationStartedEvent”
$EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOMIZATION_SUCCEEDED = “VMware.Vim.CustomizationSucceeded”
$EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOMIZATION_FAILED = “VMware.Vim.CustomizationFailed”
$EVENT_TYPE_VM_START = “VMware.Vim.VmStartingEvent”
# seconds to sleep before next loop iteration
[int] $timeoutSeconds = 1200

function GetOSCustomizationSpecStatus($vm, $timeoutSeconds)
   # the moment in which the script has started
   # the maximum time to wait is measured from this moment
   $startTime = Get-Date
   # we will check for “start vm” events 5 minutes before current moment
   $startTimeEventFilter = $startTime.AddMinutes(-5)
   # initializing list of helper objects
   # each object holds VM, customization status and the last VmStarting event
   $vmDescriptors = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

   Write-Host “Start monitoring customization process for vm ‘$vm’”
   $obj = “” | select VM,CustomizationStatus,StartVMEvent
   $obj.VM = $vm
   # getting all events for the $vm,
   #  filter them by type,
   #  sort them by CreatedTime,
   #  get the last one
   $obj.StartVMEvent = Get-VIEvent -Entity $vm -Start $startTimeEventFilter | where { $_ -is $EVENT_TYPE_VM_START } | Sort CreatedTime | Select -Last 1
    if (-not $obj.StartVMEvent)
        $obj.CustomizationStatus = $STATUS_VM_NOT_STARTED
    } else
        $obj.CustomizationStatus = $STATUS_CUSTOMIZATION_NOT_STARTED
   # declaring script block which will evaluate whether
   # to continue waiting for customization status update
   $shouldContinue = {
      # is there more virtual machines to wait for customization status update
      # we should wait for VMs with status $STATUS_STARTED or $STATUS_CUSTOMIZATION_NOT_STARTED
      $notCompletedVms = $vmDescriptors | where { $STATUS_NOT_COMPLETED_LIST -contains $_.CustomizationStatus }
      # evaluating the time that has elapsed since the script is running
      $currentTime = Get-Date
      $timeElapsed = $currentTime – $startTime
      $timoutNotElapsed = ($timeElapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $timeoutSeconds)
      # returns $true if there are more virtual machines to monitor
      # and the timeout is not elapsed
      return ( ($notCompletedVms -ne $null) -and ($timoutNotElapsed) )
   while (& $shouldContinue)
      foreach ($vmItem in $vmDescriptors)
         $vmName = $vmItem.VM.Name
         switch ($vmItem.CustomizationStatus)
               # we should check for customization started event
               $vmEvents = Get-VIEvent -Entity $vmItem.VM -Start $vmItem.StartVMEvent.CreatedTime
               $startEvent = $vmEvents | where { $_ -is $EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOMIZATION_STARTED }
               if ($startEvent) {
                  $vmItem.CustomizationStatus = $STATUS_STARTED
                  Write-Host “Customization for VM ‘$($vm)’ has started”
               # we should check for customization succeeded or failed event
               $vmEvents = Get-VIEvent -Entity $vmItem.VM -Start $vmItem.StartVMEvent.CreatedTime
               $succeedEvent = $vmEvents | where { $_ -is $EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOMIZATION_SUCCEEDED }
               $failedEvent = $vmEvents | where { $_ -is $EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOMIZATION_FAILED }
               if ($succeedEvent)
                  $vmItem.CustomizationStatus = $STATUS_SUCCEEDED
                  Write-Host “Customization for VM ‘$($vm)’ has successfully completed”
               if ($failedEvent)
                  $vmItem.CustomizationStatus = $STATUS_FAILED
                  Write-Host “Customization for VM ‘$($vm)’ has failed”
               # in all other cases there is nothing to do
               #    $STATUS_VM_NOT_STARTED -> if VM is not started, there’s no point to look for customization events
               #    $STATUS_SUCCEEDED -> customization is already succeeded
               #    $STATUS_FAILED -> customization
         } # end of switch
      } # end of the foreach loop
      Write-Host “Sleeping for $WAIT_INTERVAL_SECONDS seconds”
   } # end of while loop
   # preparing result, without the helper column StartVMEvent
   $result = $vmDescriptors | select VM,CustomizationStatus
   Write-Host “I’m here $result[1]”

   if($result[1] -ne “CustomizationSucceeded”)
    write-host “Waiting for VM Tools to Start”
    do {

    $toolsStatus = (Get-VM $cloneName).extensiondata.Guest.ToolsStatus

    write-host $toolsStatus

    start-sleep -s 5

    } until ( $toolsStatus -eq ‘toolsOk’ )
    Write-Host “Tools are running”

    $InvokeAdminPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $AdminPassword -asplaintext -force
    $cmdAddToDomain = “netdom join /d:$($Domain) $cloneName /ud:$($DomainUserName) /pd:$($DomainPassword) /reboot:30”
    If ($ParentVMName -match ‘DEV1’ )
            $varAddToDomain = Invoke-VMScript -VM $cloneName -ScriptText $cmdAddToDomain -GuestUser “DevAdmin1” -GuestPassword $InvokeAdminPassword
            $varAddToDomain = Invoke-VMScript -VM $cloneName -ScriptText $cmdAddToDomain -GuestUser “Admin1” -GuestPassword $InvokeAdminPassword
    $varAddToDomain = Invoke-VMScript -VM $cloneName -ScriptText $cmdAddToDomain -GuestUser “Admin1” -GuestPassword $InvokeAdminPassword
    Write-Host $varAddToDomain
   return $result

function AddToDomain
    write-host “Waiting for VM Tools to Start”

<#    do {

    $toolsStatus = (Get-VM $cloneName).extensiondata.Guest.ToolsStatus

    write-host $toolsStatus

    start-sleep -s 5

    } until ( $toolsStatus -eq ‘toolsOk’ )
    Write-Host “Tools are running”

    Write-Host “Add to Domain using Netdom”
    $InvokeAdminPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $AdminPassword -asplaintext -force
    $cmd = “netdom join /d:$($Domain) $cloneName /ud:$($DomainUserName) /pd:$($DomainPassword) /reboot:30”
        If ($ParentVMName -match ‘Dev1’ )
            $netDomOutPut = Invoke-VMScript -VM $cloneName -ScriptText $cmd -GuestUser “DevAdmin1” -GuestPassword $InvokeAdminPassword
            $netDomOutPut = Invoke-VMScript -VM $cloneName -ScriptText $cmd -GuestUser “Admin1” -GuestPassword $InvokeAdminPassword
    $netDomOutPut = Invoke-VMScript -VM $cloneName -ScriptText $cmd -GuestUser “Admin1” -GuestPassword $InvokeAdminPassword
    $date = Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy

    #Adding output of netdom for Scorch to consume
    Add-Content -path “F:LogsNetDomOutput$($cloneName)-$($date).txt” -value $netDomOutPut -force
    ipconfig /registerdns

Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenterHostName -User $vCenterUserName -Password $vCenterUserPassword

    #Creates the VM
    $sourceVM = Get-VM $ParentVMName | Get-View
    $cloneFolder = $sourceVM.parent
    $cloneSpec = new-object Vmware.Vim.VirtualMachineCloneSpec
    $cloneSpec.Snapshot = $sourceVM.Snapshot.CurrentSnapshot
    $cloneSpec.Location = new-object Vmware.Vim.VirtualMachineRelocateSpec

    #Creates Linked clone
    $cloneSpec.Location.DiskMoveType = [Vmware.Vim.VirtualMachineRelocateDiskMoveOptions]::createNewChildDiskBacking

    #Defines the Datastore, calls a function to get a specific datastore
    $Datastore = GetDataStore
    $cloneSpec.Location.Datastore = (Get-View -ViewType Datastore -Property Name -Filter @{“Name”=$DataStore}).MoRef
    $sourceVM.CloneVM_Task( $cloneFolder, $cloneName, $cloneSpec )

    $Spec1 = New-OSCustomizationSpec -FullName $FullName -OrgName $OrgName -OSType $OSType -ChangeSID -Name $CustomizeTemplate1 -Type NonPersistent -WorkGroup WK -AdminPassword $AdminPassword -TimeZone $TimeZone -Description $ServerDescription -LicenseMode PerSeat -DnsSuffix $PrimaryDNSSuffix
    Start-Sleep -s 4
    $Spec1 = Get-OSCustomizationSpec $CustomizeTemplate1
    Start-Sleep -s 4

    Get-VM $cloneName | Set-VM -OSCustomizationSpec $Spec1 -Confirm:$false -Description $ServerDescription | Start-VM
    $NIC = Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $cloneName
    Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkAdapter $NIC -Connected $false -StartConnected $false -Confirm:$false
    Start-Sleep -s 4

    GetOSCustomizationSpecStatus -Vm $cloneName -timeoutSeconds 1200

    $a = Get-VM -Name $cloneName
    Stop-VM -VM $a -confirm:0

    Start-Sleep -m 250

    while ($a.PowerState -eq “PoweredOn”)
        Write-Host “Sleeping for 5 seconds”
        $a = get-vm -Name $cloneName
        start-sleep -s 5

    Get-VM $cloneName  | Start-VM
    Start-Sleep 30
    $NIC = Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $cloneName
    Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkAdapter $NIC -NetworkName $DHCPPortGroup -Connected $true -StartConnected $true -Confirm:$false
    Start-Sleep 30

    #GetOSCustomizationSpecStatus -Vm $cloneName -timeoutSeconds 1200
    Remove-OSCustomizationSpec -OSCustomizationSpec $Spec1 -Confirm:$false

Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterHostName -Confirm:$false | out-null

process files with .TMP file extensions

We received a question how to process with .TMP file extensions.  IISLogs has a feature called Per Directory that was introduced in 2.0.  The feature allows an administrator to have granular control on a per directory basis.  We added the .TMP extension as an option in the Per Directory feature, please review the Per Directory article for complete options.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support alias @ [email protected]

Open IISLogsGUI, Select Per Directory option

Fill in the Directory Name and other attributes you need.

Select TMP


When you save this, in the install folder the data is stored in a file called IISLogsPerDirectory.xml

<?xml version=”1.0″ standalone=”yes”?>


Steve Schofield
Microsoft MVP – IIS

The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect error in IISLogs

We have an occasional support question a person receives an error when trying to execute IISLogs.

The problem is a space “ ” or “�!” stored within the configuration item normally causes the issue.

<add key=”MonitoredEntireDirectories” value=” ” />


<add key=”MonitoredEntireDirectories” value=”�!” />


Remove the “ ” or “&#x0!” value using a text editor such as Notepad.


Here are screenshots to showing the error and where to look.



Ping Sweep test using PowerCLI and vCenter

I had a reason to do a ping sweep across a set of machines with vCenter using PowerCLI.  The Test-Connection cmdlet is available on Win 8 / Win 2012 R2.   Enjoy.

# Assuming you’ve loaded the PowerCLI snapin located @
# http://blogs.vmware.com/PowerCLI/2014/09/new-release-vmware-vsphere-powercli-5-8-release-1.html
# Loading PowerCLI Snapins
function LoadSnapin{
if (!(Get-PSSnapin | where {$_.Name   -eq $PSSnapinName})){
Add-pssnapin -name $PSSnapinName
LoadSnapin -PSSnapinName   “VMware.VimAutomation.Core”

#An account is needed
$cred = Get-Credential “domainuser”

#Connect to vCenter
Connect-VIServer -server “vCenterServer” -credential $cred
$a = Get-Cluster “Server-Cluster-Name” | get-vm
$results = @()
foreach($computer in $a)
Write-Host $Computer.Name
$results += Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer.Name -count 2

$results | Select Address,IPV4Address,ReplySize,ResponseTime | Export-Csv results.csv
Here is a sample output

#TYPE Selected.System.Management.ManagementObject

VMware Snapshot reminder script

Here is a modified script for sending notifications to owners of Snapshots.    I found a couple of examples I hacked together.  I added a function to help Sanitize based on three different attributes. I consolidated them into a single function that determines to send a notification or not.  We have some static machines used for packaging software that maintain a single snapshot.  I included the two links of the original articles that have notification routines.

I wish the user who created the snapshot would be recorded on each snapshot as the owner.  A person has to retrieve the owner from the tasks / events, which is a bit of extra work.  I’ve been running this script for a couple months and been helpful. 


Steve Schofield
Microsoft MVP – IIS


# – SnapReminder V1.0 By Virtu-Al – http://virtu-al.net
# Please use the below variables to define your settings before use
# function GetSnapList uses http://virtualcurtis.wordpress.com/2011/10/02/find-virtual-machine-snapshots-with-powercli/
    [string]$vCenterServer = $(throw “Please specify the vCenter server you want to query for snapshots.”),
    [string]$smtpServer = “mail.example.com”,
    [string]$MailFrom = “[email protected]”,
    [string]$CredentialID = “domainuser”,
    [int]$AgeOfSnap = 14,
    [string]$Output = “Output”,
    [string]$OutputErrors = “OutputErrors”,
    [string]$OutputEmailAudit = “OutputEmailAudit”   

function Log([string]$path, [string]$value)
    Add-Content -Path “$($Path)$($LogDate).txt” -Value $value

# Loading Snapins
function LoadSnapin{
  if (!(Get-PSSnapin | where {$_.Name   -eq $PSSnapinName})){
    Add-pssnapin -name $PSSnapinName
LoadSnapin -PSSnapinName   “VMware.VimAutomation.Core”

function Find-User ($username){
    if ($username -ne $null)
        $usr = (($username.split(“”))[1])
        $root = [ADSI]””
        $filter = (“(&(objectCategory=user)(samAccountName=$Usr))”)
        $ds = new-object system.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($root,$filter)
        $ds.PageSize = 1000

function GetSnapList

$myVMs = Get-VM
$VMsWithSnaps = @()

foreach ($vm in $myVMs)
    $vmView = $vm | Get-View
    if ($vmView.snapshot -ne $null)
         $SnapshotEvents = Get-VIEvent -Entity $vm -type info -MaxSamples 1000 | Where { $_.FullFormattedMessage.contains(“Create virtual machine snapshot”)}
            $user = $SnapshotEvents[0].UserName
            $time = $SnapshotEvents[0].CreatedTime
        catch [System.Exception]
                $user = $SnapshotEvents.UserName
                $time = $SnapshotEvents.CreatedTime
       $VMInfo = “” | Select “VM”,”CreationDate”,”User”
       $VMInfo.”VM” = $vm.Name
       $VMInfo.”CreationDate” = $time
       $VMInfo.”User” = $user
       $VMsWithSnaps += $VMInfo

#Causes the array to be doubled
#$VMsWithSnaps | Sort CreationDate

return $VMsWithSnaps

function SnapMail ($Mailto, $snapshot)
    $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
    $msg.From = $MailFrom
    $msg.Subject = “Snapshot Reminder”
    $MailText = “This is a reminder that you have a snapshot active on $($snapshot.VM) which was taken on $($snapshot.Created)”       
    $msg.Body = $MailText
    $VMDiskSize = [Math]::Round(($snapshot.SizeGB),2)
    Log -Path $OutputEmailAudit -Value “$($Mailto),$($snapshot.VM),$($snapshot.Created),$($VMDiskSize) GB”   

#Sanitize if a notification is sent to owner of Snap
function Sanitize ($SnapInfo,[string]$VMName)
    switch -wildcard ($VMName)
        “*abc*” {return $false}
        “*xyz*” {return $false}
        “*123*” {return $false}
        “*xp*” {return $false}
        #”*templates*” {return $false}
    switch -wildcard ($SnapDescription)
        “*abc*” {return $false}
        “*xyz*” {return $false}
        “*123*” {return $false}
        “*xp*” {return $false}
        #”*templates*” {return $false}
    switch -wildcard ($SnapName)
        “*abc*” {return $false}
        “*xyz*” {return $false}
        “*123*” {return $false}
        “*xp*” {return $false}
        #”*templates*” {return $false}
        default {return $true}

$StartDate = Get-Date
$LogDate = “$($StartDate.Month)-$($StartDate.Day)-$($StartDate.Year)-$($StartDate.Hour)-$($StartDate.Minute)-$($vCenterServer)”
$cred = Get-Credential $CredentialID
Connect-VIServer -server $vCenterServer -credential $cred
Log -Path $Output -Value “Starting process as $($Cred.Username) connecting to $($vCenterServer) at $($StartDate)”

$vmlist = GetSnapList

#Get a list of machines that have snapshots
#Loop through it
foreach ($snapdata in $vmlist)
    Write-Host “Starting VM – $($snapdata.vm)”
    #Start process that shows creation date is l
     if($snapdata.CreationDate -lt ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$AgeOfSnap)))
      #Get a list of snaphosts per vm
      #Loop through the list of VM’s
      $snapPerVM = Get-VM -Name $snapdata.vm | Get-SnapShot
      foreach($snap in $snapPerVM)
           [Boolean]$ProcessNotification = Sanitize -SnapInfo $snap -VMName $snapdata.vm
               Log -Path $Output -Value “*************************************************”
            Log -Path $Output -Value “Starting VM – $snapdata.vm”
            Log -Path $Output -Value “Process : $($ProcessNotification) : Snap : $($snap)”
           if($ProcessNotification -eq $true -and $snapdata.User -ne $null)
                $mailto = ((Find-User $snapdata.User).Properties)
                $mailattr = $mailto.mail
                if($mailattr -ne $null)
                    SnapMail $mailto.mail $snap
                    Write-Host “$($mailto.mail) – $($snapdata.VM) and $($snap)”
                    Log -Path $Output -Value “MailTo Value : $($mailto.mail) : VMName : $($snapdata.VM) : SnapData : $($snap)”                   
                    $FirstName = $mailTo.givenname
                    $LastName = $mailTo.sn
                    $FirstName = $FirstName -replace ” “, “”
                    $LastName = $LastName -replace ” “, “.”
                    if($FirstName -eq $null)
                        $emailAddress = “[email protected]
                        $emailAddress = “$($FirstName).$($LastName)@example.com”
                    SnapMail $emailAddress $snap
                    Write-Host “$($emailAddress) – $($snapdata.VM) and $($snap)”
                    Log -Path $Output -Value “EmailAddress : $($emailAddress) : VMName : $($snapdata.VM) : SnapData : $($snap)”
            $SnapSpaceUsed += $snap.SizeGB
            Log -Path $Output -Value “Ending VM – $snapdata.vm”
            Log -Path $Output -Value “*************************************************”
                Write-Host “Not sending email for $($snapdata) for $($snapdata.VM)”
                Log -Path $OutputErrors -Value ”    Not sending email for VMName : $($snapdata.VM) : SnapData : $($snap)”

$SnapSpaceUsed = [Math]::Round($SnapSpaceUsed,2)
Log -path $Output -Value “Number of snaps notified via email : $($SnapCount)  `r`nAmount of spaced the snapshots consumed – $($SnapSpaceUsed) GB”

Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Force -Confirm:$false
$EndDate = Get-Date
Log -Path $Output -Value “Ending process as $($Cred.Username) connecting to $($vCenterServer) at $($EndDate)”

Using CimCmdlets to connect to CIM provider with Powershell and VMware

I needed to retrieve hardware status on memory DIMM’s and used PowerCLI, Powershell to retrieve the data.  Note the script assumes you have a text file list of servers.

#Reference articles
#Import-Module : The specified module ‘CimCmdlets’ was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.

#$Server = “esxiServer1”
#$HostUsername = “root”
#$CIOpt = New-CimSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck -SkipRevocationCheck -Encoding Utf8 -UseSsl
#$Session = New-CimSession -Authentication Basic -Credential $HostUsername2 -ComputerName $Ipaddress -port 443 -SessionOption $CIOpt
#$Result = Get-CimInstance -CimSession $Session -ClassName CIM_Chip | where {$_.CreationClassName -eq “OMC_PhysicalMemory” } | Select Caption,DataWidth,FormFactor,MaxMemorySpeed,@{N=”CapacityGB”;E={[math]::Round($_.Capacity/1GB,0)}}

Import-module CimCmdlets

#$HostUsername = “root”

$serverlist=get-content -path ServerList.txt
foreach($server in $serverlist)
    $CIOpt = New-CimSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck -SkipRevocationCheck -Encoding Utf8 -UseSsl
    $Session = New-CimSession -Authentication Basic -Credential $HostUsername -ComputerName $server -port 443 -SessionOption $CIOpt
    $Result = Get-CimInstance -CimSession $Session -ClassName CIM_Chip | where {$_.CreationClassName -eq “OMC_PhysicalMemory” } | Select Caption,DataWidth,FormFactor,MaxMemorySpeed,@{N=”CapacityGB”;E={[math]::Round($_.Capacity/1GB,0)}}

    foreach(  in $Result)
        Write-Host $DIMM

A new chapter begins virtualization!

I took a position working on VMware recently, I hope to share basic articles I’ve found useful and some personal experiences.  The first thing like any geek, you need to setup the environment to learn how things tick!

With VMware workstation, you can actually host an ESXi server within a guest (who knew!).  I don’t recommend for production, although for learning how things work or getting certification, it’s perfect. 

Nested virtualization (VMware workstation acting as the hypervisor) is sweet.  You’ll need a beefy laptop (SSD drive doesn’t hurt) or workstation with decent amount RAM, CPU and some multiple CPU cores.  I picked up a desktop with 10 GB of RAM, 6 core processor, 1 TB hard disk. 


I setup, definitely was easy, there are plenty of articles on the web doing this same thing.

  • Two ESXi servers
  • One domain controller
  • One vCenter server



Get a account at https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/login.   This includes setting up access to the community forums.  

Another thing I started doing was TwinBox with the following search syntax

#esxi OR #esx OR #vsphere OR #vmware OR #VMware OR #vcloud OR #vmwareview OR #vmwaretam

This pulls down some great information from Twitter.  

Enough for now!  Lots to share, and learn.  Take care.
