CDOSYS and Windows Server 2008, 80070005 Description Access is denied

I got a question from Bradley J. Dinerman about getting Aspmail working on Windows Server 2008.  I’ve yet to figure out how to get AspEmail working on Windows Server 2008,  I tried x64 and x86 of Windows Server 2008.  I got the following error.  Process monitor and enabling auditing didn’t turn up anything. 

  • error ‘800703e6′

  • /asp.asp, line 8

  • Line 8 is the Set mailer = Server.Createobject(“SMTPsvg.Mailer”)

Brad mentioned he was getting an error trying to switch to CDOSYS. Here is the error. The error for CDOSYS is: ASP_LOG_ERROR LineNumber 7 ErrorCode 80070005 Description Access is denied  The problem ended up being the anonymous user didn’t have write permissions on the c:inetpubmailrootpickup folder.  I thought I would pass this along as an FYI.

Two things to configure on the SMTP Service (At least I do)

  • Configure appropriate (write) permissions on c:inetpubmailrootpickup

  • Configure to allow to be relayed Internet Manager 6 > SMTP Virtual Server > Properties > Access Tab > Relay Restrictions > Relay button > Click Add and type

‘Link Brad passed along

Thanks Brad for passing along the post and solution.



One thought on “CDOSYS and Windows Server 2008, 80070005 Description Access is denied

  1. http://

    Thanks for the informational email from regarding AspMail and Windows Server 2008. It’s just what I needed to know.

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