Information Technology professionals are always being asked to do more with less, one of the biggest challenges in companies is day-to-day systems administration. If a company is running servers with Internet Information server, log files are usually being created every day. IIS does not provide a built-in mechanism to manage log files, this is where IISLogs comes in.
One of the industry practices is to have the operating system on one partition (C:) and data on another drive (D:). This means the C: drive is specific one size and the D: is much larger to hold data and log files. The default setting in IIS uses %SYSTEMROOT%system32Logfiles, this means the log files are on the same partition normally reserved for the operating system. If left unattended, this could fill up the OS partition and cause issues. Medium/Large companies and Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) normally would customize IIS to store log files in other file locations. IISLogs is flexible enough to handle custom directories.