Vista RC1, IIS7 – Microsoft.Web.Administration code samples

Tags: IIS

I installed Vista RC1 / 5600 edition and have been experimenting with the Microsoft.Web.Administration namespace. These are examples I got working on my local machine running Vista Ultimate Edition. Hope these help. If you find a more efficient way, by all means pass them along! These are my first attempt to understand and learn the new Microsoft.Web.Administration Namespace.

'Create a new site called
Dim objSite As New Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
objSite.Sites.Add("", "", 80)
objSite.Sites("").ServerAutoStart = True

'Add an ManagedPipelineMode.Integrated application pool
Dim objAppPool As New Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
objAppPool.ApplicationPools("").ManagedPipelineMode = ManagedPipelineMode.Integrated
objAppPool.ApplicationPools("").AutoStart = True

'Add an ManagedPipelineMode.Classic application pool
Dim objAppPool As New Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
objAppPool.ApplicationPools("").ManagedPipelineMode = ManagedPipelineMode.Classic
objAppPool.ApplicationPools("").AutoStart = True

'Create a Site, Application Pool (ManagedPipelineMode.Integrated) and add new site to the new App pool that was just created.
Dim objSite As New Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
objSite.Sites.Add("", "", 80)
objSite.ApplicationPools.Add("").ManagedPipelineMode = ManagedPipelineMode.Integrated
objSite.Sites("").Applications("/").ApplicationPoolName = ""

'Create a Site, Application Pool (ManagedPipelineMode.Classic) and add new site to the new App pool that was just created.
Dim objSite As New Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
objSite.Sites.Add("", "", 80)
objSite.ApplicationPools.Add("").ManagedPipelineMode = ManagedPipelineMode.Classic
objSite.Sites("").Applications("/").ApplicationPoolName = ""

'List application pools using IIS7 namespace
Dim Server As New Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
Dim col As ApplicationPoolCollection
Dim AppPoolName as string
Dim x as integer

col = Server.ApplicationPools

For x = 0 To col.Count – 1
 AppPoolName = col(x).Name

'List sites using IIS7 namespace
Dim Server As New Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
Dim col As SiteCollection
Dim SiteName as string
Dim x as integer

col = Server.Sites

For x = 0 To col.Count – 1
 SiteName = col(x).Name

'List all worker processes using IIS7 namespace. (Note this is just an example, there are other properties that can retrieve information about worker processes).
Dim Server As New Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
Dim col As Microsoft.Web.Administration.WorkerProcessCollection
col = Server.WorkerProcesses
dim x as integer
For x = 0 To col.Count – 1
 Response.Write(col.Item(x).ApplicationDomains(x).Id & "<BR>")
 Response.Write(col.Item(x).ApplicationDomains(x).Idle & "<BR>")
 Response.Write(col.Item(x).ApplicationDomains(x).PhysicalPath & "<BR>")
 Response.Write(col.Item(x).ApplicationDomains(x).VirtualPath & "<BR>")
 Response.Write(col.Item(x).ApplicationDomains(x).WorkerProcess.ProcessGuid & "<BR>")

'Recycle Application Pool
Dim RecycleSite As New ServerManager

'WebPages to help test if recycle actually worked.
Place all webpages in the http://localhost website running IIS7
Create webpage called Default.aspx
Create webpage called Recycle.aspx
Create webpage called Recycle.aspx.vb
Paste the code listed below for the 'Default.aspx webpage
Paste the code listed below for the Recycle.aspx webpage
Paste the code listed below for the Recycle.aspx.vb webpage

'Test out the process
Open http://localhost/default.aspx?id=Show
This will output the datetime session variable to the webpage
Change the URL to http://localhost/default.aspx?id=Hide
Refresh the webpage, the Session variable won't change
Run the RecycleSite code in a separate webpage
Refresh the default.aspx webpage
The default.aspx webpage should not show any values

'Default.aspx to show session variable
 <% If Request.Querystring("ID") = "Show" Then %>
  <% Session("Steve") = System.DateTime.Now() %>
 <% End If %>

 <% response.write(Session("Steve")) %>

'Recycle.aspx webpage
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
  <form id="form1" runat="server">
  Click Button to recycle<br /><br />
  <asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="Button" /> </div>

'Recycle.aspx.vb code behind file
Imports Microsoft.Web.Administration
Partial Class _Default

Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

 Dim RecycleSite As New ServerManager

End Sub
End Class