This section provides the core functionality of IISLogs, this will allow for entire directory structures or specific directories to have their log files be monitored. Through configuration they can be compressed (ZIPPED) and/or deleted based on an hour-based configuration settings. The allows for certain aged files to be compressed and after a longer timeframe be deleted. One or both of these options can be used together or separate, the individual has complete control over this.
Enable Zip Feature – This turns on this feature, the default setting is "NO".
To turn on this feature by putting "YES", either use the IISLogs configuration
GUI or your favorite text editor.
Delete Original File After Zipped – These setting is for ZIP feature, the
DeleteOriginalFile Option will delete the original log file after being ZIPPED
We strongly recommend you run IISLogs with DeleteOriginalFile left to FALSE
until you have verified the ZIPPED file can be un-zipped, the logfile extracted
and verified it’s ok. Default value – False
Zip Files Older Than (Hours) – The default setting is 0 (zero), the timeframe is
in hours. If you want your log files to be compressed that are
older than a certain timeframe, simply put this number. For example, if
you want all log files that are older than one week (7 days) to be compressed,
put "168". Note: If you turn on the ZIPFILE feature on and
do NOT put a timeframe in, the log files won’t be compressed.
MonitorZipFilePath – If you use option 2 or 3 and want IISLogs to monitor
this directory, this setting turns this setting on.
ZipFilePath – This is an advanced setting to determine where to store
zip files
Three Options:
1. local (stores files in directory where log files are stored *This
is the Default*
2. Another directory on local disk (I.E. D:zippedFiles such as
Note this setting needs to be formatted with trailing such as c:myLogFilesLogs"
3. UNC path \ServerShareZipFileDirectory- this is stored on a
network server
Note this setting needs to be formatted with trailing such as \NetworkServerShareNameLogs"
The proper user credentials have to be granted in-order for files to be written.
Enable Delete Feature – This turns on this feature, the default setting is "NO".
To turn on this feature by putting "YES", either use the IISLogs configuration
GUI or your favorite text editor.
Delete Files Older Than (hours) – The default setting is 0 (zero), the timeframe is in hours. If you want your log files to be deleted that are older than a certain timeframe, simply put this number. For example, if you want all log files that are older than 30 days (7 days) to be deleted, put "720". Note: If you turn on the DELETEFILE feature on and do NOT put a timeframe in, the log files won’t be deleted. Another design feature of IISLogs, if both the ZipFile and DeleteFile features are being used, the DeleteFile Older Than has be at least 1 hour longer than Zip Files Older than.
Zip Compression Level – This is an adjustable setting to control how much a file is compressed. Values None, Low, Med, High