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Posted By : Forum Administrator – 9/15/2004 5:44 PM
When ZIP only feature is turned on, this is supposed to zip the file and delete the original.  The problem is the zip file is being created and is zero-bytes long, but the original .log file isn’t including file in the zip process. What happens is IISLogs creates an empty zero file and the original log file is cleared.  We are investigating why this is ONLY happening on some machines.  Until this is understood to why we have put the IISLogs beta on hold to insure others aren’t affected.   We’ve sent emails to all beta testers who left emails informing them to NOT run IISLogs when using the ZIP feature.    We are also making design and code changes to implement two measures to prevent this from affecting future deletes.  The two things to prevent this IISLogs from doing this w/o first being told to.  Before any new builds come out these measures will be incorporated and communicated out. 
1. The admin will have to turn on the *delete original file* and ONLY will create a zip file. 
2: Create an explicit document agreeing to turn on deleting of files by IISLogs and
someone has to agree to this.
Our goal is to create the zip file and ONLY after the these two steps are
followed will IISLogs be allowed to delete anything.  We take things like this very, very seriously and only want a top-quality product. 
This has been resolved.

* —————————————– *
* Steve Schofield – MCP, CCA
* [email protected]
* Microsoft MVP – ASP.NET
* —————————————– *