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Posted By : Forum Administrator – 9/5/2023 11:47 PM
When using EasyConfig option inside the IISLogsGYI to configure SpecificDirectories tab,  the directory path would be placed in the Grid (i.e. c:inetpubiislogslogfiles) but IIS would create the W3SVCXXXXXX below the logfiles directory (i.e c:inetpubiislogslogfilesw3svcXXXXXX.  IISLogs service and stand-alone EXE would just process c:inetpubiislogslogfiles which doesn’t have any logfiles.
The EasyConfig option was moved to the MonitoredDirectories tab from SpecificDirectories tab.  After further testing, this appears to be an design alteration.  The root of the issue is IIS creates the web name below the specific Directory. 

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* Steve Schofield – MCP, CCA
* [email protected]
* Microsoft MVP – ASP.NET
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