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Posted By : Forum Administrator – 8/26/2004 12:16 AM

I get the following error when attempting to install IISLogs:

“The account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the account name specified.”

Am I doing something wrong?


* —————————————– *
* Steve Schofield – MCP, CCA
* [email protected]
* Microsoft MVP – ASP.NET
* —————————————– *

Posted By : Forum Administrator – 8/26/2004 12:17 AM
What type of machine spec’s do you have? Is this windows XP, 2000, 2003? Is the .NET framework 1.1 installed? Are you an administrator on the machine your trying to install this on? Is this error when your trying to configure the user? Note, if you could please visit and sign-up for the beta list. This way we can track these types of questions. Thanks for the email.
Let me know if your still having issues.

Steve Schofield

* —————————————– *
* Steve Schofield – MCP, CCA
* [email protected]
* Microsoft MVP – ASP.NET
* —————————————– *

Posted By : Forum Administrator – 8/26/2004 1:18 PM
The default install of the IISLogs Windows Service Package tries to use a local account called LOCAL SERVICE which I believe isn’t on Windows 2000 server.  This is a windows 2003 feature, for now, what you can do is use the Stand-Alone EXE version, I’ve been able to replicate the problem and research more how to handle the Windows 2000 and 2003 with the IISLogs Windows Service version.  What I tried to do was be secure by default, when packaging 2003 provides various accounts to use when installing a Windows service.  I hate to configure the default install to run as SYSTEM.  I”ll post an update when this is resolve trying to be secure by default.

* —————————————– *
* Steve Schofield – MCP, CCA
* [email protected]
* Microsoft MVP – ASP.NET
* —————————————– *