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Posted By : Forum Administrator – 10/19/2004 8:07 PM
Here is a note we went on the list…Asking for feedback on how someone could customize the ZIP file when its created..
I’m emailing to receive feedback on how to customize the naming of the ZIP file created by IISLogs.  In the current build, the only option is (, the default name of the log except with extension of .ZIP.   We are interested in people’s opinions on various file naming conventions.  Few of the options that are planned is ability to add some additional text before and after the date of the ZIP file. I.E. (  We are also tossing around the idea of the different variations of how the date is presented.  We would like your feedback, tell us either you like, you hate or have other ideas that can be developed. Feel free to reply to this email on or off-list.  Note: This feature will be incorporated into all three versions IISLogs Lite, IISLogs Stand-Alone EXE and Windows Service version.
Here are some examples, notice the date variations is the only thing that is different.

* —————————————– *
* Steve Schofield – MCP, CCA
* [email protected]
* Microsoft MVP – ASP.NET
* —————————————– *

Posted By : Forum Administrator – 11/15/2004 1:05 AM
This feature has been added.

* —————————————– *
* Steve Schofield – MCP, CCA
* [email protected]
* Microsoft MVP – ASP.NET
* —————————————– *