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Posted By : Forum Administrator – 9/12/2022 3:02 PM
When a file is processed by IISLogs, if the file extension doesn’t end in .log, .zip, .bad, bdp, bdr a return value describing why the file wasn’t processed is supposed to be returned.   The status of the file is written to the detailLogging file.  In the current build, this value is blank.  In the current build, only a valid return code when the file is compressed, deleted or DoNothing.   This is for reporting purposes and doesn’t affect the current build of IISLogs. 
This has been identified, fixed in the current source and will be in the next build of IISLogs

* —————————————– *
* Steve Schofield – MCP, CCA
* [email protected]
* Microsoft MVP – ASP.NET
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