This article covers a different scenario how to configure IISLogs to process logs.  IISLogs was designed to handle unique situations.

Here is a summary of the requirements.

1) Process three folders, delete files after 48 hours

2) Process one folder, delete files after 336 hoursl

IISLogs has two separate ways to process logs in this scenerio.  The first is to use Monitor Specific Directories.

This will meet the first requirement.   The second requirement is to add a single directory using the Per Directory option.    The items you need to fill out is

More information on Unknown Extensions – We have an internal function that checks to ensure the file type isn't a known Operating system type file. We have tried to document most known file types and not allow IISLogs to process these files. For example, if you have a file with a datetime extension or no file extension, the 'unknown extensions' would help process these types of files. We recommend you carefully evaluate in a test environment before you enable this feature. Also, ensure you have backups to ensure if a file is processed, you can restore it.

You could also add the three directories mentioned in the first requirement as additional items using  the Per Directory option. 

The Monitor Specific Directories inherits configuration settings the Standard Settings tab.  Regardless of folder location, they all will handle files the same time.  In this particular instance, each will remove files after 48 hours.   There is no way to have separate rules on a per directory basis. 

The Per Directory feature provides the most flexibility when needing specific rules for individual folders.   In the example above, we have a particular folder that needs to process files older 336 hours.    The Per Directory option was introduced in IISLogs 2.0

We encourage if you have unique logging requirements, setup a testing environment and test your rules before implementing in production.  If you are using the IISLogsSVC, you can use an option in IISLogsGUI to immediately execute IISLogsSVC.  There won't be a visual response it ran, you can look in the Application Event Log, an entry is logged.


This is just one of many options how IISLogs can meet your logging needs.   IISLogs was designed to provide a flexible, yet secure solution.  If you have any further questions, please contact us at [email protected]


Steve Schofield
Windows Server MVP – IIS
Log Archival Solution.
Install, Configure, Forget