IISLogs 1.0 – Configure SMTP Configuration

This section covers what directories, smtpDurationPeriod, and what directories/sub-directories the Microsoft SMTP Service puts badmail and drop directories. 

SMTP Configuration options

This feature ONLY will allow for monitoring the SMTP directories, normally under C:InetpubMailroot directory. This is a separate feature from IISLOGS and won’t ZIP files, files with extensions .BAD,.BDR,.BDP will ONLY be allowed to be deleted in the configured directories–>

Enable SMTP Feature – Added security and ease of use to either this feature on or off –. The default is OFF

SMTP Service Directories – This setting provides where the SMTP service directories are.  The default values are the same as the default directories when the IIS SMTPSVC is installed – The following directories are = "C:InetpubmailrootBadmail,C:InetpubmailrootDrop"

Retain SMTP Logs For –  This setting provides a configurable hour-based setting when these files should be deleted. Note: Files ARE NOT zipped they are ONLY deleted.  – The Default value="0"