This is a separate feature from IISLOGS, ONLY will DELETE files. This is feature to have the ability have some directories that are configured to zip and delete and others to have the option to JUST delete after a separate configurable delete parameter, just put a comma deleted list of directories to have their log files deleted separate from IISLogs core functionality I.E.(C:LogfileDir1,C:LogfileDir2,C:LogfileDir3) NO SPACES please.
Enable Delete Only Feature – Added security and ease of use to either this feature on or off –. The default is OFF
Delete Only Directories Grid – This setting is where specific directories are put. I.E.(C:LogfileDir1,C:LogfileDir2,C:LogfileDir3) NO SPACES please.
Delete Directories Older Than – Provide an hour-based period of time to delete files specific in the DelOnlySpecificDirectories.