CDOSYS and Windows Server 2008, 80070005 Description Access is denied

Tags: SMTP

I got a question from Bradley J. Dinerman about getting Aspmail working on Windows Server 2008.  I’ve yet to figure out how to get AspEmail working on Windows Server 2008,  I tried x64 and x86 of Windows Server 2008.  I got the following error.  Process monitor and enabling auditing didn’t turn up anything. 

  • error ‘800703e6’
  • /asp.asp, line 8
  • Line 8 is the Set mailer = Server.Createobject(“SMTPsvg.Mailer”)

Brad mentioned he was getting an error trying to switch to CDOSYS. Here is the error. The error for CDOSYS is: ASP_LOG_ERROR LineNumber 7 ErrorCode 80070005 Description Access is denied  The problem ended up being the anonymous user didn’t have write permissions on the c:inetpubmailrootpickup folder.  I thought I would pass this along as an FYI.

Two things to configure on the SMTP Service (At least I do)

  • Configure appropriate (write) permissions on c:inetpubmailrootpickup
  • Configure to allow to be relayed Internet Manager 6 > SMTP Virtual Server > Properties > Access Tab > Relay Restrictions > Relay button > Click Add and type

‘Link Brad passed along

Thanks Brad for passing along the post and solution.



1 Comment

  • http:// said

    Thanks for the informational email from regarding AspMail and Windows Server 2008. It's just what I needed to know.

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