I installed Vista RC1 / 5600 edition and have been experimenting with the Microsoft.Web.Administration namespace. These are examples I got working on my local machine running Vista Ultimate Edition. Hope these help. If you find a more efficient way, by all means pass them along! These are my first attempt to understand and learn the new Microsoft.Web.Administration Namespace.
‘Create a new site called SteveSchofield.net
Dim objSite As New Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
objSite.Sites.Add(“SteveSchofield.net”, “c:domainssteveschofield.net”, 80)
objSite.Sites(“SteveSchofield.net”).ServerAutoStart = True
‘Add an ManagedPipelineMode.Integrated application pool
Dim objAppPool As
New Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
objAppPool.ApplicationPools(“SteveSchofield.net”).ManagedPipelineMode = ManagedPipelineMode.Integrated
objAppPool.ApplicationPools(“SteveSchofield.net”).AutoStart = True
‘Add an ManagedPipelineMode.Classic application
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