IIS 7 – post #68 – URL Rewrite module available

Exciting news for IIS 7.0 users.  MS has released the much anticipated URL Rewrite module.  Here is a post on it.


Download the x86 CTP version for IIS 7.0:

Download the x64 CTP version for IIS 7.0:

Download and Enjoy,

Steve Schofield

IIS Debug Diag info

A co-worker posted a how-to using IIS Debug Diag.  After going through this process, I have a new found respect for how easy and straight forward using IIS Debug Diag is


Tess posted a similar blog recently discussing which tool to use when.  It’s a good read.




GraffitiCMS review

When I started http://www.appcmd.com, I wanted a content management system that allowed me to get up and going quickly.  GraffitiCMS allowed me to do that.  In one evening, I have over 30 posts in my new site +

  • Search enabled automatically

  • RSS feed capability

  • Customizeable navigation

  • Easy to create categories.

  • Quick integration to SQL Server express

  • Fast interface to update / add entries.

www.AppCMD.com is running on Windows Server 2008 web edition, IIS 7.0 and SQL Express + using the Integrated Pipeline, one of my personal favorite IIS 7 features.  There is a web.config setting called DataBuddy that makes it a snap to change which database you are using. 

Here are the settings:

<!- Which connection string should Graffiti use. ->
<add key=”DataBuddy::ConnectionString” value=”Graffiti”/>

<!- Which type of Database are you using. Valid Values: MSAccessProvider, VistaDBProvider, MySQLDataProvider, SQLDataProvider, SQL2K5DataProvider ->
<add key=”DataBuddy::Provider” value=”DataBuddy.SQL2K5DataProvider, DataBuddy”/>

I found one gotcha from a configuration standpoint.  I run all my application pools with a custom user vs. Network Service.  I kept getting an error that appears if it’s a .NET trust issue.  This issue remains the only gotcha I haven’t found an answer for.  GraffitiCMS has some active forums that I posted a question how to resolve this. 

One other tip I found when you want to display a IMAGE in your left navigation, it took a little tinkering to get the right syntax.  Here is how I did it.

  • Sign into Graffiti-admin

  • Go to Presentation

  • Select List of links in Available Widgets

  • Click Edit

  • Add Title 

  • Add link syntax: Note the syntax is separated by a PIPE “|” symbol
    <img src=”http://www.iislogs.com/images/iis7book.jpg” border=”0″ />|http://www.amazon.com/Internet-Information-Services-IIS-Resource/dp/0735624410

  • Drag over to the Left Sidebar

Overall, if you need to quick CMS system, GraffitiCMS is worth checking out.  I’ve not used DotnetNuke, PHPNuke, PostNuke in a while, but for a ASP.NET based solution, it’s met my needs.

GraffitiCMS is provided by Telligent, makers of CommunityServer


Steve Schofield
Microsoft MVP – IIS


IIS7 – post #67 – New command line reference site http://appcmd.com

I’m not sure if humans are supposed to remember command line syntax.  For me, the most frustrating part is remembering the syntax of a certain command line option.  To help me remember these for future use, and hopefully share with the community.  I created http://appcmd.com .  Currently there is 20 or so examples I’ve created, used, wrote about that are posted.  If you have one or more, feel free to send to me the syntax at steve AT iislogs.com.  I’ll give full credit for the posting.

The goal is to have the largest collection soon.  Plus this will help me share my tips and learn at the same time.

WinDBG refresher

I had to analyze a memory dump from a server that blue screened.  This blog is a reference how I used WinDBG to analyze the dump.  I don’t claim to be an expert in WinDBG, but these few steps can be done in minutes to determine a issue if you have the memory dump available. 

  • Capture either a kernel or complete memory dump.

  • Install WinDBG on a system that will analyze the file, it doesn’t have to be on the production server. (Search the web for the proper version of WinDBG you need)

  • Open WinDBG and open the dump file.

  • Add the symbol location srv*c:symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols

  • Run !analyze -v or !analyze

*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck D1, {3ad0720, 2, 1, f80fe1e4}

Probably caused by : XYZ.sys ( dc21x4+21e4 )

Followup: MachineOwner

I recommend watching this webcast by Mark Russinovich – Mark is the co-founder of Sysinternals and could make a case for him being the #1 guru on the Internet.  This was recorded at Teched 2006.  Without the tools he has provided, it would make every Windows Administrator’s job a lot harder.


Powerpoint Presentations from recent talks

I’ve spoke recently at a couple events.   Here are my PowerPoints.  It’s always fun to get together with other IT Professionals and share ideas / knowledge.

1) West Michigan Day of .NET.   This event is developer focused and is a real grass roots 1 day event where you can learn a lot.  I know in the Great Lake region (Ohio, Michigan etc) this pretty common.  Here is the .NET user group link. http://www.wmdotnet.org/

2) NT User group in Grand Rapids.  This was a general windows server 2008 discussion.  It was a lot of fun and there was a lot of discussion.   They meet every 3rd Wednesday each month.  Here is their website. http://www.wmntug.org/

Here is the link for the Day of .NET presentation
Click here to download

Here is the PowerPoint from the NT user group
Click here to download


Steve Schofield
Microsoft MVP – IIS

My Hyper-V experiences

Hyper-V is probably one of the more exciting technologies to come out of Redmond, on the IT Pro side. I don’t keep up on all betas like I used to, but Hyper-V has caught my attention.  I reloaded my home pc with Windows Server 2008 x64.  Here is my pc type, Gateway GT5032 (http://support.gateway.com/s/PC/R/5878/5878nv.shtml), which has 4 GB of RAM and a x64 processor.  But when I went to install Hyper-V, I got an error listed below. 

Test Results from Microsoft Hyper-V compatibility check for systems with AMD processors
This system is not compatible with Hyper-V.
This utility detected that a necessary BIOS patch is not installed.
Please contact your system vendor to determine whether a BIOS upgrade is available.
If so, upgrade your BIOS and re-run the utility.
If not, consider upgrading to a new AMD64 system to get the latest in virtualization capabilities, performace, and power efficiency.
AMD’s most current processors do not require a BIOS patch to run Hyper-V.

‘Link to check AMD

‘AMD utility

‘Blog posting on Hyper-V

‘3rd party tool to detect all three things

‘Hardware detection tool

Before you start purchasing or reloading your equipment,  take 5 minutes and verify your hardware.  I’m still on pursuit if I can find a magic firmware upgrade for my equipment, but at least upgrading to w2k8 on my desktop finally retired Vista, which is another story. ?

Hope this helps.


Early Christmas present in May – DFS file replication on Windows Server 2008 web edition

Whoo hoo!  DFS replication is available on web edition.  This will make shared config and local contention replication possible on web edition.  This is a HUGE deal.


Make sure to use the OCSetup or you’ll get this error.

C:UsersAdministrator>ServerManagerCmd -install FS-DFS-Replication
ArgumentNotValid: Invalid role, role service, or feature: ‘FS-DFS-Replication’.
The name was not found.

Steve Schofield
Microsoft MVP – IIS