I’ve been testing WDS using Virtual PC to deploy Windows Server 2008 images. The built-in WDS is looking to be a great addition to Windows Server 2008. I setup an VPC image of W2k8 running WDS, (1 GB of RAM and big enough drive to store images is a must), I created another drive in my WDS VPC so it would be 16 GB.
I’m not sure where WDS fits in the deployment strategy when it comes to ADS (Automated Deployment Services). The documentation says it replaces RIS (Remote Installation Services), time will tell I guess. For now, this has not taken too long make a nice little product. Keep up the great work, I’m excited to see what else is around the corner. From the documenation and kicking the tires, it has the feel of a little powershell under the hood, hmm. ?
‘Step by Step guide
DOC version of the information above.
‘This link handles the Transport Server Role.
This guide focuses primarily on the functionality of the complete installation of Windows Deployment Server (Deployment Server role service). For information about how to configure and use the Transport Server role service, see the Transport Server role service
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‘You need to do this step before you can capture your Sysprep image. (As I found out) ?
Creating images with Windows Deployment Services
‘Discussion board on Setup and Deployment. This forum does not appear to be too heavily monitored, however there is some good discussion about WDS. I hope the MS PM or WDS folks pay attention to this forum, people are definitely interested in WDS, from what I can tell.
if(typeof(IsPrinterFriendly) != “undefined”)
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