I’m on my way to the 2009 MVP summit, I had a two hour layover in Detroit. Considering I forgot to bring a book to read, I thought I would geek a little. Within 40 minutes, I had a Server Core box configured with IIS, added to my domain and managing it remotely. Pretty darn cool I must say’ I pulled the commands from a few posts including a post by Ruslan how to install IIS on a Server Core on R2. On my laptop, I have VM Workstation and a small network. I installed a loopback adapter and all VM’s use this as their network adapter. My first VM I installed w2k8 r2 full version, then installed an additional network adapter inside VMWare workstation. I installed RRAS and promoted to a domain controller. This allows any additional VM’s to route the traffic outbound. I’ve done the same thing with Virtual PC 2007, this time around I gave vmware workstation a try. Both seem to be about the same. ?
Here are the commands I used along with the links.
Setup your network
netsh interface ipv4 set address name=”Local Area Connection” source=static address= mask= gateway=
Set a DNS Server
netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name=”Local Area Connection” address=
Change machine name
netdom renamecomputer oldBoxname /NewName:NewBoxName
Join the computer to domain
//* means you’ll be prompted for the password
//netdom join /? will show all commands
netdom join Newcomputername /domain:SteveSchofield.local /Userd:administrator /passwordd:*
//To perform basic and default installation of IIS on Server Core run the following command:
//Working with ocsetup seems to be case sensative, so be aware. ?
start /w ocsetup IIS-WebServerRole
//Installing ASP.NET
start /w ocsetup WAS-NetFxEnvironment
start /w ocsetup IIS-ISAPIExtensions
start /w ocsetup IIS-ISAPIFilter
start /w ocsetup IIS-NetFxExtensibility
start /w ocsetup IIS-ASPNET
Installing PowerShell and IIS snap-in
start /w ocsetup MicrosoftWindowsPowerShell
After running this command you should see a PowerShell prompt. Type the following to import IIS snapin:
import-module WebAdministration
After that you can get the list of available IIS cmdlets by typing
get-command –pssnapin WebAdministration
//Logout of Powershell command shell othewise the commands below failed.
//I didn’t figure out the syntax to do the Management service install inside Powershell
Type exit
Install and enabling IIS Remote Management
start /w ocsetup IIS-ManagementService
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWebManagementServer /v EnableRemoteManagement /t REG_DWORD /d 1
//Start Management Service.
net start wmsvc
//Go to another machine and manage IIS
//Article how to use IIS manager to connect remotely
//Browse to ensure IIS is working
Create a test asp.net page on the Server Core box
//Inside Server Core, type Notepad
<h1>Hello world from Server Core R2</h1>
This is darn cool! Running ASP.NET on Server Core R2 and managing the Website remotely
Steve Schofield
Microsoft MVP