IIS7 – post #64 – Various goodies for your IIS 7 environment.

The IIS team has been busy releasing all kinds of great stuff.   Now that IIS 7 is production and extremely extensible, they have some new items available.

Check them out.
IIS 7 Admin pack technical preview #1

Administration Pack for IIS 7


Media Bit Throttling

And the blogs @ http://blogs.iis.net have been busy.  Check them out!

See you in the forums @ http://forums.iis.net

Take care,


Log Parser, unique page views and unique IP’s

I’ve been working with Log parser lately and wanted to pass along a couple queries.  I have a in-depth filter that involved using three Log parser functions (EXTRACT_EXTENSION, EXTRACT_FILENAME, EXTRACT_PATH).  Each have their own purpose but combined together, you can filter out most things including extensions, specific webpages and folder names all at once. 

‘Retrieves raw page views for a period of time.  The FROM could be a specific location or a websites.  This groups the totals by day.
FROM <example.com>
EXTRACT_EXTENSION(to_lowercase(cs-uri-stem)) NOT IN (‘asf’;’axd’;’css’;’exe’;’gif’;’ico’;’jpg’;’js’;’msi’;’png’;’txt’;’vsi’;’wmv’;’xml’;’zip’) AND
EXTRACT_FILENAME(to_lowercase(cs-uri-stem)) NOT IN (‘rss.aspx’;’login.aspx’;’logout.aspx’) AND
EXTRACT_PATH(to_lowercase(cs-uri-stem)) not like ‘%/test%’ AND
EXTRACT_PATH(to_lowercase(cs-uri-stem)) not like ‘%/images%’ AND
EXTRACT_PATH(to_lowercase(cs-uri-stem)) not like ‘%/Example%’
and sc-status=200
Group By Date

‘Unique Visitors from example.com
FROM <example.com>
EXTRACT_EXTENSION(to_lowercase(cs-uri-stem)) NOT IN (‘asf’;’axd’;’css’;’exe’;’gif’;’ico’;’jpg’;’js’;’msi’;’png’;’txt’;’vsi’;’wmv’;’xml’;’zip’) AND
EXTRACT_FILENAME(to_lowercase(cs-uri-stem)) NOT IN (‘rss.aspx’;’login.aspx’;’logout.aspx’;) AND
EXTRACT_PATH(to_lowercase(cs-uri-stem)) not like ‘%/test%’ AND
EXTRACT_PATH(to_lowercase(cs-uri-stem)) not like ‘%/YourThemes%’ AND
EXTRACT_PATH(to_lowercase(cs-uri-stem)) not like ‘%/images%’ AND
and sc-status=200


Steve Schofield

IIS 7 – post #63 – Add IIS_IUSRS group to SQL 2005 local security

I had an interesting post @ forums.iis.net about adding the IIS_IUSRS group (replacement for IIS_WPG)  to a SQL Server 2005 local server.  If you try to add the group using MachineNameIIS_IUSRS it errorsIf you put BUILTINIIS_IUSRS.   That works.  Here is the post.  http://forums.iis.net/p/1148362/1865423.aspx#1865423


Steve Schofield
Microsoft MVP – IIS

IIS7 – post #62 – IIS 7.0 Resource Guide book from MS Press

I’m excited to announce I was a contributing author to the Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 Resource Kit by MSPress.  The book was released on 3/5.  There was multiple IIS team members contributing including; Olga Londer, Mike VolodarskyCarlos Aguilar Mares, Brett Hill, along with fellow IIS MVP Bernard Cheah and Kurt Meyer rounded out the author team.  It was a fantastic group to work with. IIS 7.0 is an exciting technology to write about.  I wrote about Setup, Logging, Performance and Tuning.

Time flies when you are having fun.  I first loaded Longhorn December of 2006 and started running Longhorn beta 2 in August of 2006, when the first go-live license was available.  It’s been an awesome experience! And it’s just the beginning.  I hope you enjoy the book.   If you are looking for IIS 7.0 assistance, see you @ http://forums.iis.net 


Steve Schofield
Microsoft MVP – IIS

Detecting permission issues using auditing and process monitor

I was working on a post @ http://forums.iis.net about a permissions issue.  One of the first things I recommend is use Process Monitor.  I honestly think this tool should be built into the OS.  My 3 suggestions, do you run Filemon, Regmon and is auditing of “Audit object access” failures enabled?  Between these three items,  you can rule out most any permissions issue. 

//Process Monitor info

//Sysinternals homepage

//Enable Object Failures in Local Security Policy.

Here is an image of what I’m referring to.

//Enable auditing of failures on the drive your files are located on


Once this is enabled, if there is an failure, it will show up in the Security event log.  If there is not a error using Filemon, auditing process above.  There is probably a DCOM or local security policy issue.

Hope this helps,

Steve Schofield
Microsoft MVP – IIS